Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Day is coming...

So we're a day early, but I figured it was a good time to talk about the time honored tradition of thanksgiving and the food that goes with it. I am very excited about A) the football games to be played tomorrow, and B) the traditional Thanksgiving lasagne. You may be thinking, "But lasagne isn't a traditional turkey day food", but you'ld be wrong.

Back long ago, I think my family actually had turkey on thanksgiving. But we traded hosting every year with one of my uncle's from Connecticut. Having turkey on turkey day became an issue when us kids got to high school and had to participate in the thanksgiving day football game (most of us were in band, but i got both band and football wahoo). So after the game, the non-host packed up and drove 3 hours. Driving 3 hours doesn't exactly put you in the mood to help construct and devour a massive dinner. So the plan was formed, have turkey on black Friday!

Gradually, lasagne became the staple of Thursday's meal and had its best showing after a 6 or 7 overtime game during which many of the parents in the stands were worrying about turkey getting burned. We had no such issue and fully enjoyed the cold morning as the team went on to victory.

And that is the story of the traditional thanksgiving lasagne.

Friday, November 16, 2007

free lunch!

Technically, every day I get free lunch. But todays lunch was better cause we went out to the new asian place across the street to celebrate the reports being almost finished. This place is pretty sweet, we had lettuce wraps which i'ld never had before. They're pretty much a bunch of lettuce leaves and good stuff that you scoop into them using the lettuce as a taco shell type thing. I also had a beef teriaki <sp?> bowl which was pretty awesome. Great way to get amped for the weekend!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

laffy taffy

Re-tread lunch today (Famous Daves... Awesome). But I would like to take time to discuss a rather important issue in today's society.

Why do they still make banana flavored candy?

Nobody really likes it, and if it's free it's always the last to go. Our office has had leftover halloween candy sitting out in the cafe and it is about 1/3 banana laffy taffy, 1/2 tiny tootsie pops, and the rest is a mix. There started out with an even amount of strawberry and banana laffy taffy. The sooner as the worlds candy makers stop forcing banana on us, the better.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Roast Chicken

Today was a pretty good day for lunch. As you may have guessed there was some pretty good roast chicken along with roast beef and mashed potatoes. There were also salmon cakes, but for some reason they didn't look very appetizing and I stuck to the basics. Looking forward to tomorrow though, when the NFL week shifts to previewing next week and wednesday lunch is always a treat. Not that I dont love reading about us beating KC, but the upcoming game against the Vikings is pretty huge. Especially if we can shut down the freak that is A.P.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Stromboli day was always an event in high school, becuase we new it was the one thing that the cafe always go right.  And it was probably the best lunch the cafe had too.  Unfortunately, stromboli today didn't live up to those standards.  It is harder for stromoli to live up to its high school days though now, because every luch is catered.  Wow, this paragraph is horrible. Sorry for wasting 30 seconds of your life.