Monday, February 1, 2010

Ridin Fly

So after Friday nights events, we woke up bright and early to go to the fields for the mixed games. After grabbing a cheesesteak from the Player's Deli - a hidden gem in the Tropicana - we headed towards the cars. Upon exiting the casino, a mohawked gentleman leaned out the window of his limo and called to us. Apparently he had no idea where the fields were, and we were happy to give the limo driver an address. That's when kuhf asks what team he is playing with and we find out that he is on the team she is picking up with.

We jump in the limo and meet the rest of the passengers on the way to the field. The driver's name is Greg and he seems pretty chill. We also find out that the reason that Hurd (the aforementioned mohawked gentlemen) could afford the limo was that he woke up from being blacked out with 1000 dollars of chips in his pockets. The limo was also fairly reasonable at 60 bucks an hour, something to consider for future Vegas trips.

We get to the field and warm up, the Tournament Directors enjoy the fact that we arrived in class. We would later call up Greg again to get back from the field, but not before stopping at In-n-Out for Double-Doubles and milkshakes. The best part about stopping for fast food is that we were not the only customers to take a limo there. We had at least 10 people in the limo on the way back from the fields, so it's a good option to keep in mind for large team trips.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gettin into Trouble

It's friday morning at 9am. Our flight is at 2pm, but we need to get to center city to have a couple of Bloody Marys with our travel gang before we fly out. We hop on the trolley and get down to Karl's place stopping at a deli to grab breakfast. Karl is sad to learn that we have not obtained "boozelets" yet, but cheers up considerably when he learns I am pounding a 4loco with my breakfast sandwhich.

After a couple of Bloody Marys and the other two travelers showing up we leave to stop at the liquor store for booze, and catch the 12pm train to the airport. It's a good thing we left early, because I realize after purchasing my nips that my inebriated self left my backpack in the apartment. I run back, borrow a key from the doorman, get my bag, and hustle with Kuhf to the train station in time to catch the 12:30 train which still gets us to the airport in time to get a 9 dollar beer before takeoff.

At the airport we discovered that I should not be allowed to drink and fly as I keep misplacing my passport and the travel itinerary. We have a 2 part flight, so since we're still buzzed from the morning drinks we save the nips for the later flight. Our layover is only 45 minutes, and we land a couple of minutes late, and my still inebriated self couldn't find my jacked which was under my seat. which results in us running the last leg of the terminal because of the "last call" announcement.

Since our second flight is to Vegas, me and Kuhf get some good info from the man sitting in our row about places to check out, and what it's like. He is thoroughly amused by our nips plan. I must admit I had never thought to bring them on the plane, assuming that TSA would confiscate them. It turns out that assumption was partly on, because the stewardess was not thrilled when we handed her our empty bottles. Apparently we broke an FAA regulation... oops. Our neighbor also finds this amusing, and we do too. Everyone else in our party tells us we are idiots when we relay this story to them, and rightfully so.

Once we get to the airport, we get cars and get to the Tropicana, our place of residence. We have a room in one of the wings but have back-door access to a small pool which bodes well for the weekend.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

holiday party

So last night was the company holiday party and it was amazing. Among the choices of food was steak, turkey, multiple pastas and rices, sushi, mini burgers, pigs in a blanket, and a lot of other stuff that i cant even remember. The best thing I had though was definately shrimp wrapped in bacon which was awesome.

Desert was a pretty impressive sight as well. Cakes, ice cream, brownies and a few things that i'm not sure what they were, but it was all awesome.

Today was chick fil-a or however they spell it. Chicken nugets and a chicken sandwich along with a couple of veggie options and fruit.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

it's back

the masses have spoken, so here is another lunch update...

Yesterday was pretty good. We had ruebens and chicken pot pie along with amazing black bean cakes and cheesy grits. Unfortunately that lunch won't receive it's proper recognition because it was sandwiched between Famous dave's from monday and an all-star lineup today.

Today's lunch is definately worthy of wednesday status. Flounder and rosmary chicken for the meats (beef burgundy was also an option but too many mushrooms). Pasta to with in the formof egg noodles or ziti. And the veggies are creamed spinach and carrots. Also, corn chowder is the souup which caps things off nicely.

I'll try to get a couple more posts in before the weekend, when the national rowdy alert system will be putting in some overtime.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Day is coming...

So we're a day early, but I figured it was a good time to talk about the time honored tradition of thanksgiving and the food that goes with it. I am very excited about A) the football games to be played tomorrow, and B) the traditional Thanksgiving lasagne. You may be thinking, "But lasagne isn't a traditional turkey day food", but you'ld be wrong.

Back long ago, I think my family actually had turkey on thanksgiving. But we traded hosting every year with one of my uncle's from Connecticut. Having turkey on turkey day became an issue when us kids got to high school and had to participate in the thanksgiving day football game (most of us were in band, but i got both band and football wahoo). So after the game, the non-host packed up and drove 3 hours. Driving 3 hours doesn't exactly put you in the mood to help construct and devour a massive dinner. So the plan was formed, have turkey on black Friday!

Gradually, lasagne became the staple of Thursday's meal and had its best showing after a 6 or 7 overtime game during which many of the parents in the stands were worrying about turkey getting burned. We had no such issue and fully enjoyed the cold morning as the team went on to victory.

And that is the story of the traditional thanksgiving lasagne.

Friday, November 16, 2007

free lunch!

Technically, every day I get free lunch. But todays lunch was better cause we went out to the new asian place across the street to celebrate the reports being almost finished. This place is pretty sweet, we had lettuce wraps which i'ld never had before. They're pretty much a bunch of lettuce leaves and good stuff that you scoop into them using the lettuce as a taco shell type thing. I also had a beef teriaki <sp?> bowl which was pretty awesome. Great way to get amped for the weekend!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

laffy taffy

Re-tread lunch today (Famous Daves... Awesome). But I would like to take time to discuss a rather important issue in today's society.

Why do they still make banana flavored candy?

Nobody really likes it, and if it's free it's always the last to go. Our office has had leftover halloween candy sitting out in the cafe and it is about 1/3 banana laffy taffy, 1/2 tiny tootsie pops, and the rest is a mix. There started out with an even amount of strawberry and banana laffy taffy. The sooner as the worlds candy makers stop forcing banana on us, the better.