Thursday, December 13, 2007

holiday party

So last night was the company holiday party and it was amazing. Among the choices of food was steak, turkey, multiple pastas and rices, sushi, mini burgers, pigs in a blanket, and a lot of other stuff that i cant even remember. The best thing I had though was definately shrimp wrapped in bacon which was awesome.

Desert was a pretty impressive sight as well. Cakes, ice cream, brownies and a few things that i'm not sure what they were, but it was all awesome.

Today was chick fil-a or however they spell it. Chicken nugets and a chicken sandwich along with a couple of veggie options and fruit.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

it's back

the masses have spoken, so here is another lunch update...

Yesterday was pretty good. We had ruebens and chicken pot pie along with amazing black bean cakes and cheesy grits. Unfortunately that lunch won't receive it's proper recognition because it was sandwiched between Famous dave's from monday and an all-star lineup today.

Today's lunch is definately worthy of wednesday status. Flounder and rosmary chicken for the meats (beef burgundy was also an option but too many mushrooms). Pasta to with in the formof egg noodles or ziti. And the veggies are creamed spinach and carrots. Also, corn chowder is the souup which caps things off nicely.

I'll try to get a couple more posts in before the weekend, when the national rowdy alert system will be putting in some overtime.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Turkey Day is coming...

So we're a day early, but I figured it was a good time to talk about the time honored tradition of thanksgiving and the food that goes with it. I am very excited about A) the football games to be played tomorrow, and B) the traditional Thanksgiving lasagne. You may be thinking, "But lasagne isn't a traditional turkey day food", but you'ld be wrong.

Back long ago, I think my family actually had turkey on thanksgiving. But we traded hosting every year with one of my uncle's from Connecticut. Having turkey on turkey day became an issue when us kids got to high school and had to participate in the thanksgiving day football game (most of us were in band, but i got both band and football wahoo). So after the game, the non-host packed up and drove 3 hours. Driving 3 hours doesn't exactly put you in the mood to help construct and devour a massive dinner. So the plan was formed, have turkey on black Friday!

Gradually, lasagne became the staple of Thursday's meal and had its best showing after a 6 or 7 overtime game during which many of the parents in the stands were worrying about turkey getting burned. We had no such issue and fully enjoyed the cold morning as the team went on to victory.

And that is the story of the traditional thanksgiving lasagne.

Friday, November 16, 2007

free lunch!

Technically, every day I get free lunch. But todays lunch was better cause we went out to the new asian place across the street to celebrate the reports being almost finished. This place is pretty sweet, we had lettuce wraps which i'ld never had before. They're pretty much a bunch of lettuce leaves and good stuff that you scoop into them using the lettuce as a taco shell type thing. I also had a beef teriaki <sp?> bowl which was pretty awesome. Great way to get amped for the weekend!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

laffy taffy

Re-tread lunch today (Famous Daves... Awesome). But I would like to take time to discuss a rather important issue in today's society.

Why do they still make banana flavored candy?

Nobody really likes it, and if it's free it's always the last to go. Our office has had leftover halloween candy sitting out in the cafe and it is about 1/3 banana laffy taffy, 1/2 tiny tootsie pops, and the rest is a mix. There started out with an even amount of strawberry and banana laffy taffy. The sooner as the worlds candy makers stop forcing banana on us, the better.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Roast Chicken

Today was a pretty good day for lunch. As you may have guessed there was some pretty good roast chicken along with roast beef and mashed potatoes. There were also salmon cakes, but for some reason they didn't look very appetizing and I stuck to the basics. Looking forward to tomorrow though, when the NFL week shifts to previewing next week and wednesday lunch is always a treat. Not that I dont love reading about us beating KC, but the upcoming game against the Vikings is pretty huge. Especially if we can shut down the freak that is A.P.

Thursday, November 1, 2007


Stromboli day was always an event in high school, becuase we new it was the one thing that the cafe always go right.  And it was probably the best lunch the cafe had too.  Unfortunately, stromboli today didn't live up to those standards.  It is harder for stromoli to live up to its high school days though now, because every luch is catered.  Wow, this paragraph is horrible. Sorry for wasting 30 seconds of your life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Cheeseheads = awesome

So lunch the past two days has not been all that great. In the meantime, I'm going to talk some smack about an event which I have not received permission from the NFL to give an account of. When they sue me, they'll be sad to learn I have no money to give them.

Mike McCarthy, please chill out with the second half screen calls. We lost the Chicago game because you kept calling screens and running 2 tight-end sets, have you learned nothing? Yes a screen is sometimes a good play on 2nd and long or 3rd and long because it can catch the defense looking for a big shot. However, everyone knows you are going to call a screen cause that's all you've done this year. On the plus side, the defense saved you this week, forcing the field goal as time expired.

Now onto the bombs...

Anyone who saw the Washington game figured Favre didn't have as much zing on the deep ball anymore. Oops. Both Bly and Baily got beaten for long scores and Bly had pretty good coverage on the last play of the game. They thought they could get away with press coverage though, because if Favre went deep the ball would hang, giving the defender time to catch up and react. Well the ball didn't hang and the game ended on an 82 yard beauty.

Take that horsies!!!

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Today's lunch had lots of yellow invoved. We had hot dog bar with potatoe rolls so I passed on the "veggie dog" which I shall never trust after a bad experiece with fake meat at pada over the summer. I did have a regular dog though and had some cheese-wiz on it. Mac and cheese also came with lunch to continue the yellow them. Baked cod wasn't yellow, but I had some anyway and was underwhelmed. The only thing mixing up the color scheme of my plate today was brocoli, but it's all good cause then I was rockin the green and gold.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

wednesday fun

Wednesdays continue to impress! Dispite today's bleek weather and short people trying to stab me in the eye with their umbrella's (because that 3 foot canopy with spikes resting 3 inches above your 5'6" head would NEVER get in my 6'3" face. And if it did, it's obviously my fault for not realizing you are the center of the universe), today is going rather well.

Lunch again is awesome, consisting of rosmary baked chicken, fried flounder, pasta with beef burgondy, and creamed spinach. But back to the important issue, I hate umbrellas. People never use common courtesy with them because they arent used to being 3 feet wide. Therefore, I have to go off the sidewalk if i want to avoid you stabbing me in the face. Either get a hat, or suck it up and have a bad hair day. I do not trust you to realize those pointy objects above your head are in my way.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

eat less cowz

chick-fil-a on the menu today, and the winner of the "what doesnt belong here" award goes to ..... manicoti. I was not aware manicoti went with chicken nuggets, but i was mistaken.

ps - more weaponry at lunch today, lukewarm tots

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Today didnt quite live up to the hype of wednesday, but was not by any means bad. Mashed potatoes, braised beef, carrots, and brownies. Lots of work = short post.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i got paid!

I got paid today, which is awesome. Boo having to pay bills, but hooray being able to pay them. In other news, lunch yesterday was not my favorite. Chinese food is usually good, but we seemed to have the items that focused more on vegetables than meat and starch. Cheese ravioli kind of saved the day, but it wasn't quite hot enough. Today is a bit better, pork tenderloin with pasta and cheesey potatoes.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the ultimate cafeteria weapon

Today's lunch involved cheese steaks (chicken or beef) rice, pasta salad, and the ultimate cafeteria weapon: tater-tots. Lunch was pretty good, but mostly because the tater tots reminded me of all the crap we got away with during high school lunch. Tater tots should not be served in school environments, its just asking for trouble. They are just good enough that everyone would grab them if they came with lunch knowing someone else would inevitably eat them... or toss them across the cafeteria hitting an unsuspecting victim in the head. They are also small enough that they can be tossed pretty far accurately, without drawing attention to one's self.

On at least on occasion in high school I've seen someone get tackled in the lunch room as a result of a tater tot war. I've also seen under-fried tots explode upon hitting a table and occasionally someone's face. Either way, its remarkable that they are still served in high schools everywhere, allowing those students the same pleasure we had back in the day.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Kabobs today for lunch, which were awesome. Shrimp and chicken kabobs to be precise. In more important news, I had a "team building activity" yesterday which involved watching the Phillies and drinking beer. I'm a huge fan of this buisness strategy and think it should continue in the future.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Famous Daves!!!

Today is awesome. Famous Dave's was on the menu for lunch so that makes everyone happy. For lunch we had fried catfish, chopped pork, and beef brisket as the meats with corn bread, baked beans, corn on the cob, and a bunch of other stuff that didn't fit on my plate for sides. From the past 2 weeks it seems like Wednesday is gonna be the best day of the week for lunch. (Last week we had crab/shrimp cakes that were amazing)

At first when I found out my company offered free breakfast and lunch on site I figured it would be fairly decent cafeteria type food. When I found out they get really good stuff I started to wonder how much money they spend on offering free food. While pondering that, I realized it is actually a great idea. Because the food is high quality stuff, everyone stays at the office to eat which minimizes people taking long lunch breaks to go down town, or even just take their time at a place across the street. With no area to eat food, everyone happily takes their free meal back to their desk where they maybe check a few Internet columns before returning to work. Also, getting better food insures that employees take advantage of the opportunity and means the food will not go to waste at the end of the day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Gravied Goodness

Today's lunch completely demolished yesterday's offering. We had turkey, ham steak, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy. Throw a salad on the side and you are good to go. Today was also a great day for a couple glasses of milk. Lunch was especially good today, because I never ate dinner last night. The sad part is that I didn't realize I hadn't had dinner until breakfast today when I was still hungry after a normal breakfast.

As for the weekend, why haven't we as Americans adopted poutine as our national junk food. Over the weekend I was in Montreal for an ultimate tournament, and I love going to Canada because they appreciate the greatness that is french fries and cheese curds smothered in gravy. We have cheese fries, now we need to take it to the next step and throw some beef gravy on top.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Welcome to K.E.G.'s Lunch!

So this all started because my current co-op (paid internship for you non-co-op schools) offers free lunch every day, and I come home and tell my roommates about how awesome or disappointing my meal was. The public demands and I deliver. Most of the time, there will probably be more then just stuff about lunch in here since samiches and soup are probably not the most interesting subjects to the general public.

Today: First off, the fact that I'm starting a blog combined with the Phillies making the playoffs and my Packers having a 4-0 record with the youngest team in the league should have everyone keeping an eye out for flying pigs and the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. Today's lunch however did not live up to last week's high standards (hot food every day, including crab and shrimp cakes on wednesday). Today was all wraps with salad and soup. The soup saved lunch as New England style clam chowder is tough to top. The salad also held its own with feta cheese and stuffed grape leaves. Looking forward to tomorrow though. Maybe you'll get a recap of my crazy weekend.