Mike McCarthy, please chill out with the second half screen calls. We lost the Chicago game because you kept calling screens and running 2 tight-end sets, have you learned nothing? Yes a screen is sometimes a good play on 2nd and long or 3rd and long because it can catch the defense looking for a big shot. However, everyone knows you are going to call a screen cause that's all you've done this year. On the plus side, the defense saved you this week, forcing the field goal as time expired.
Now onto the bombs...
Anyone who saw the Washington game figured Favre didn't have as much zing on the deep ball anymore. Oops. Both Bly and Baily got beaten for long scores and Bly had pretty good coverage on the last play of the game. They thought they could get away with press coverage though, because if Favre went deep the ball would hang, giving the defender time to catch up and react. Well the ball didn't hang and the game ended on an 82 yard beauty.
Take that horsies!!!